Without hypnosis, meditation or years of practice!
Soul Secrets
The quick and easy way to unlock your unique gifts and use them to create a life of joy, connection, and abundance.
Sound Familiar?

Were you a strong, vibrant woman with a thriving career? Have you always taken pride in your abilities and had a crystal clear vision of who you are? 

But over time, have you lost the woman you once were? The woman who relished her independence and self-reliance - the woman with her own dreams, ambitions and passions. 

Maybe you've found yourself grieving for the person you were, before... 

Do you feel like you were meant for more, but instead exist in a state of exhaustion? Sacrificing your interests and self-care, to be there for your family, kids, career. 

 Feeling empty. Disconnected. Lost… 

This is the story of countless women who are searching for their true purpose. Who have yet to discover their unique gifts, strengths and are stuck repeating unhelpful patterns...

But it doesn't have to be this way!

 Picture yourself waking up each day, knowing you are living true to your Soul's purpose, feeling a deep connection to your true, vibrant self.

Presenting... Soul Secrets

If you’ve ever felt unfulfilled, disconnected, and unsure of who you are at your core, it’s time to reconnect with your true purpose. 

 A Soul Secrets session is your opportunity to rediscover who you truly are. To feel the joy of being yourself, living in alignment with your Soul’s divine nature, and to bring back the vibrancy you’ve been missing. 

Soul Secrets is a transformative, personal service designed specifically for women like you and I. 

ONE session will reveal your true self and allow you to heal from the spiritual and emotional wounds that have kept you in a state of disconnection. 

This is not a self-help program. 

 It's a life-altering journey that guides you back to your soul, to reclaim your identity and redefine your sense of self on your own terms. 

It’s an opportunity to discover your unique gifts and to use them to create a life of joy, connection, and abundance. 

This isn't merely about getting back to where you were before life got in the way; it's about propelling you forward, to a level of self-acceptance, joy, and fulfilment you've yet to experience. 

Remember, life is not about losing yourself in the day-to-day; it’s about creating a joyous and connected experience. 

You have the power to change your story...and I am here to help you.
Only AU $449.00
Unlock Your Purpose in 3 Steps
Book online, choose your ideal session time and complete the pre-session form.

Meet online and uncover who you are at Soul level, clear your negative karmic patterns and discover your past Soul Stories.

Learn how to create a meaningful, abundant life by completing your personal clearing program, and take small actions daily to cement your new identity.
What You Get

Soul Secrets is a personalised soul reading service that lies at the core of my Soulful Connection Method. 

All Soul Secrets clearing sessions focus on:

Soul Discovery: A deep dive into your soul’s blueprint, uncover who you were at the point of creation… before ‘life’ happened.

Soul Gifts: You'll discover your unique gifts and strengths, leading to a better understanding of your true, authentic self so that you can make choices that align with your true self.

Karmic Clearing: We identify and release karmic patterns and blocks that may be limiting your potential and causing feelings of emptiness and disconnection.

Self-identity Restoration: We work together to help you rebuild your self-identity, integrating your unique soul gifts into your everyday life as a mother, a career woman, and an individual

Ongoing Support and Guidance: Our journey doesn't have to end with a single session. I offer continuous support as you apply your newfound knowledge and navigate your path to self-discovery so you feel empowered and supported as you navigate your journey, knowing you're not alone.

Soul Secrets offers more than a temporary fix. It provides lasting transformation, aligning your life with your true soul's purpose. As you reconnect with your soul and reclaim your identity, you will witness the positive ripple effects in all areas of your life – from your personal relationships to your professional accomplishments, from your parenting journey to your individual journey. 

 You deserve to live a life full of joy, Soulful Connection, and abundance. And with Soul Secrets, that life is within your reach. 

It begins with one click in the right place…
Client Love
"I Love, Love, Loved my session!"
"Amber was calm, precise and warm. The best thing about my reading was the truth behind Amber's findings. I Loved, loved, loved my session with Amber. I would highly recommend booking a session with her and I will be working with her again in the future!"
- Kilty Bridge
"I needed this!"

“I needed this! I feel free to let go of thoughts and fears that don't belong to me or this lifetime, and live true to myself. The accuracy in which Amber was able to describe my ways of thinking and feeling was astonishing!”

- Crystal Grant

My Story...
Hi, I'm Amber Mack!

I was a career woman, a corporate success.

Thriving in myself and the life I had built. Then, in 2017 after 3 years of trying, I found out I was pregnant. I was ecstatic! 

Fast forward to 2018 and my beautiful baby girl was born... But amidst the overwhelming love, I felt a sense of loss. I felt disconnected from myself, my identity. I was grieving the person I was before, and I was just going through the motions. 

Then, during one heart-wrenching moment, I screamed into my pillow, "There's nothing left! My Soul is empty! I don't know who I am!" 

That painful moment sparked a journey of self-discovery that transformed my life. Today, I'm not only deeply connected to my three small children, but I also know who I am at soul level. 

I find joy in everyday moments, and I serve others from a place of peace, acceptance, and love. This incredible journey that started deep in despair has led me to a life of fulfilment.

And this transformative journey is now available for you...
Only AU $449.00

Your Session...

It's time to put yourself first. Let me guide you along your journey to find your true self, through a transformative experience tailored just for you. 

With your Soul Secrets session you will gain:

A crystal-clear understanding of who you truly are.

Your unique soul gifts and inherent strength

Your individual Soul Stories

Details of any negative karmic patters; and an energetic clearing completed on your behalf

The ability to create the life of connection, joy and abundance you've been dreaming of

A life filled with meaning and purpose

This isn't just about regaining the sense of self you feel you've lost. It's about discovering who you truly are at soul level, and using that powerful insight to craft a life of joy, connection, and abundance. It's about living authentically, with a connection to your inner self that goes beyond the roles and expectations of daily life. 

Soul Secrets is an investment in yourself and your happiness. It's a more personal and affordable option compared to traditional therapy or coaching, as it combines spiritual and practical steps to provide lasting results. 

When you invest in yourself you'll receive:

2-3 hours research into your soul's history on your behalf

A 90-minute Zoom call to discuss your Soul's unique make up, past lives, past choices and karmic blocks

An energetic clearing performed on your behalf

A recording of the session to keep and replay as often as you like

A 21-day personalised energetic clearing program, tailored to your specific needs

48-hr email or Voxxer access for any follow-up questions

Take the first step today. Book your Soul Secrets session and embrace the journey to discovering your true, soulful self. It's time to reclaim your identity, your joy, and your life.


We promise you will walk away from our sessions with valuable insights about yourself, irrespective of the outcome. We guarantee a journey of  discovery that will empower you to connect with your true self, transform your life, and forge a deeper, Soulful Connection with yourself. 

You will uncover aspects of your self-identity you may have lost touch with, or didn't even know existed. You will gain a clear understanding of your unique gifts, your soul's purpose, and your true potential.
You'll receive your personal booking link on the thank you page.

Contact information

Billing address

Add the Sacred Space Alignment!

Is your home aligned specifically to your energy? Are you comfortable and at peace in your space? 

If you're feeling confined or out of place in what should be your place of peace, then this is the perfect time to have your home become your Sacred Space with an energetic alignment to your soul's energetic resonance. 

* Your individual report will be delivered separately to the Soul Secrets reading.
Regularly $97

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xSoul Secrets$449

All prices in AUD

Frequently Asked
  • It seems expensive, is it worth it?
    Absolutely! Look, investing in yourself might feel like a waste of money, but how much would it mean to you to reconnect with your sense of self? Your identity? To connect to your growing family from a place of honesty and love?
    For me, being able to connect to my children as Mumma, while knowing who I am as Amber is priceless x
  • I'm too busy! I don't have the time!
    I get it, I'm a Mumma of 3 beautiful girls... between 2.5 and 5!
    That's why you only need to commit to one, 2hr Zoom session, then 10mins/day for 21 days. Yep, that's all... It's about quality, not quantity.
  • I'm sceptical about the process.
    Yep, it's definitely a service outside of most peoples realm of experience... maybe even a little "woo woo".

    But the Soulful Connection Method was designed from universal principles, formal training, personal discovery and expertise... It's about looking into your soul's journey from the point of creation up until today, and clearing the past life mistakes that are still limiting you now.
  • I'm already drained, is this going to be hard?
    The journey asks for courage. It is about digging deep and revealing truths (and mistakes) that have had an ongoing impact throughout lifetimes. But remember, I'll be with you, sharing the tools, support, and reassurances you need at each stage. You're not alone in this journey.
  • What if it doesn't work for me?
    It's possible. Some souls are not ready to be cleared, and some souls are not interested in revealing their secrets. If you happen to be one of these rare souls I'll know as soon as I begin your reading. It is very rare, but if it does, I will contact you immediately and issue a full refund.
  • I think I'm just scared...
    Change and learning the truth about ourselves can be scary... Especially when it comes to deeply personal aspects like our identity. But remember, this isn't about becoming someone else; it's about discovering who you truly are beneath all the roles and expectations. It's about revealing your true self and embracing everything that comes with that knowledge.
Join me... You Are Worth It.

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